Soon Valley

The Soon Valley is located in the north west of Khushab District, Punjab, Pakistan. The valley covers an area of around 300 sq miles, 35 miles (56 km) long and has an average width of 9 miles (14 km). It is located at an elevation of 1530m. Soon Valley has much scenic beauty, with lakes, waterfalls, jungle, natural pools and ponds. The valley has been settled since ancient times, including by the Awan tribe, whose descendants still live in the valley.

How to get there?

Soon valley is about 3 and 4 hours drive from Islamabad (230km) and lahore (320km) respectively. It is accessible via M2 motorway through Kallar Kahar, also called Gateway to Soon valley, extends almost 100 kilometers.

  • Leave motorway at Kalar Kahaar, about 1 and half hour drive to Noshrhra soon valley, and 25 km from Noshrhra to Uchali Lake.
  • Leave motorway at Lillag interchange and drive 38 km towards Katha saghral; a small village/town then Tak right turn and drive at least 1 and half hour towards Noshrhra and ownward.

The lakes in this area are Uchali Lake, Khabeki Lake and Jhalar Lake.

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