Ar-Ra’d, (Arabic: الرعد ar-raʻd), or the Thunder, is the 13th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur’an, composed of 43 verses (āyāt). It has Muqattat (Quranic initials) المر (Alif. Lam. Mim. Ra or ALMR). The goal of the Sura is the power of truth and the weakness of falsehood.
This is the axis on which the entire Surah orbits. This is the reason it has been appeared again and again in various manners that the fundamental parts of the Message.
Classification: Medinan
No. of letters: 3450
No. of Rukus: 6
No. of Sajdahs: 1 (15th Ayah)
No. of verses: 43
No. of words: 854
Listen 13th Surah Ar-Ra’d Audio mp3 Al Quran with Urdu translation