K2 A Savage Mountain

K2 is the 2nd Highest mountain in the world, more difficult and dangerous to climb. First climbed on 31 july 1954 by an Italian team. Some interesting facts about K2 (Karakaram II). It’s so deadly because of the combination of elements and It is about 800 feet lower than Everest, but the topography is much tougher.

Success: Nearly 367 successful attempts

Attempted: Nearly 4000 climbers attempted

Deaths: Nearly 80 climbers were dead

Death rate: 1 out of 4 or 5

Location: Gilgit-Baltistan northwestern of Pakistan

Height: 8,611m

How to get there?

No Vehicle or Helicopter to reach base of mountain

Never: never climbed in winter

Camps: starts from Askole village, 4 camps to reach base of mountain

Disaster: in 2008 11 climbers were dead in one day

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